At the heart of the Latin Quarter, this impressive monument is dedicated to the men and women who have marked the history of France. The access to the colonnade is now open, discover another view of Paris!
By creating an exemplary religious architecture, Soufflot was responding to Louis XV's wish to glorify the monarchy with dignity in the person of Saint Geneviève, the patron of Paris, to whom the building was dedicated. In 1791, the Revolution transformed the monument into a temple for great men. In the 19th century, it received, according to the successive regimes, a religious or patriotic use. Since 1885, when Victor Hugo entered the Panthéon, the building has become the resting place of the country's great men: Voltaire, Rousseau, Zola, Pierre and Marie Curie... and since 1 July 2018, Simone Veil.
From 01/04 to 30/09, daily between 10 am and 6.30 pm. Closed exceptionally on May 1st. Last entrance 5.45 pm
Visit of the panorama open. Open every day of the week at 10:15, 11:00, 14:30, 15:30 and 16:30.
From 01/10 to 31/03, daily between 10 am and 6 pm. Closed exceptionally on January 1st and December 25th. Last entrance 45 minutes before closing time.
Group adults: 7 € (From 20 persons)
Set price group children: 30 € (Schools).
Free entry for children < 18 years.
Group rate available for > 20 people.
Free for:
-18-25 years old (European Union citizens and regular residents non-euopeans on European Union territory)
-Disabled people and their attendant
- For all, every first sunday of the month from 1st of October to 31st of March
Combined ticket Basilique Saint-Denis + Panthéon
19 €
Included in the Paris Museum Pass: time slot reservation recommended
Bulk ticketing from 20 tickets purchased.
Group bookings are required.
From 01/10/2023 to 31/03/2024
Adult: 13 € (Plus €3.5 for the Panthéon colonnade, twin ticket Panthéon - Basilique de Saint-Denis €16)
Group adults: 11.50 € (Groups of 20 adults or more
Plus €3.5 for the Panthéon colonnade, twin ticket Panthéon - Basilique de Saint-Denis €13,).
From 01/04 to 30/09/2024
Adult: 13 € (Plus €3.5 for the Panthéon colonnade, twin ticket Panthéon - Basilique de Saint-Denis €16)
Group adults: 11.50 € (Groups of 20 adults or more.
Plus €3.5 for the colonnade of the Pantheon, twin ticket Pantheon - Basilica of Saint-Denis €13.)
Set price group adults: 450 € (- Conference visit package (up to 30 people including entrance fee)).
Free entry for children < 18 years.
Group rate available for > 20 people.
Free for:
-18-25 years old (European Union citizens and regular residents non-euopeans on European Union territory)
-Disabled people and their attendant
- For all, every first sunday of the month from 1st of October to 31st of March
Combined ticket Basilique Saint-Denis + Panthéon
19 €
Included in the Paris Museum Pass: time slot reservation recommended
Bulk ticketing from 20 tickets purchased.
Group bookings are required.
School and after school activities
- Self-guided tour of the monument: €40 (€20 for specific audiences)
- Conference visit of the monument: 90€ (40€ for specific audiences)
- Heritage workshop: €130 (€60 for special audiences)
More information on the monument's website: http://www.paris-pantheon.fr/Espace-enseignant