© Georges Fessy -
© Antoine Espinasseau
In the Arsenal Pavilion, Parisian architecture and urbanism is visible to all through exhibitions, films and photos.
Think you know Paris? The Arsenal Pavilion may teach you a thing or two you don't know. This exhibition centre reveals the history of Parisian architecture and urbanism. Video interviews with the architects, scale models and animated films are your only guides. Discover the different faces of the city in a large open-spaced hall on the ground floor.
On the first floor you will find the temporary exhibitions, renewed every three months, that confront original themes such as "The House Bet" or "30 Lasting Projects". On the second floor you will find galleries interested in international architecture with exhibitions featuring urban development all over the world. In presenting these multimedia exhibitions, the Arsenal Pavilion asks several persistent questions.
Where does nature belong in the urbanisation of the planet? What kind of lifestyle corresponds to what species? Should we privilege the work place or the home? A larger question comes to mind when you visit the centre...the relationship between life and the city.
Every day throughout the year between 11 am and 7 pm. Closed on Monday. Closed exceptionally on January 1st. All the activities of the Pavillon de l'Arsenal are freely accessible.
Free entry.