© CRT Paris IDF_JL Polion
Discover the exceptional gothic rooms of this medieval royal palace, which became a revolutionary court and Marie-Antoinette's prison.
From the medieval Palais de la Cité, the Salle des Gardes and the huge Salle des Gens d'Armes built under Philippe le Bel and the kitchens built under Jean le Bon remain. The kings of France left the palace at the end of the 14th century to settle in the Louvre and Vincennes. Judicial activity developed there, and prisons were built. The Conciergerie became one of the main places of detention during the French Revolution with the installation of the revolutionary court. Its most famous prisoner was Marie-Antoinette. A memorial chapel was built during the Restoration period on the site of her cell.
All year round, daily between 9.30 am and 6 pm. Closed exceptionally on May 1st and December 25th. Last entrance 30 minutes before closing.
Group adults: 7.50 € (From 20 ^persons)
Set price group children: 30 € (Schooles).
Free entry for children < 18 years, disabled people and accompanying persons.
Group rate available for > 20 people.
Full price: 11.50 € (The ticket includes access to the entire monument and the interactive device *HISTOPAD (free for EU citizens under 26 years of age) - *only available until 16:30 (the duration of the experience exceeds the closing time of the monument))
Group adults: 7.50 € (Groups of 20 adults or more.
Combined ticket Conciergerie- Sainte-Chapelle 15€, Pass Marie-Antoinette : 20€ (pass which allows access to 4 sites in Ile-de-France related to Marie-Antoinette : the Château de Rambouillet, the Conciergerie, the Chapelle Expiatoire and the Basilique de Saint-Denis))
Set price group adults: 375 € (Conference visit package (up to 30 people including entrance fee)).
Free entry for children < 18 years, disabled people and accompanying persons.
Group rate available for > 20 people.
Free for :
-18-25 years old (European Union citizens and regular residents non-euopeans on European Union territory)
-Disabled people and their attendant
- For all, every first sunday of the month from 1st of October to 31st of March
Paris Museum Pass accepted: compulsory reservation of a time slot
Bulk tickets (from 20 tickets purchased): 7,5€, combined ticket Conciergerie - Sainte-Chapelle 15€, Pass Marie-Antoinette: 20€ (pass which allows access to 4 sites in Ile-de-France related to Marie-Antoinette: The Château de Rambouillet, the Conciergerie, the Chapelle Expiatoire and the Basilique de Saint-Denis), https://tourisme.monuments-nationaux.fr/.
Schools and after-school activities:
- Self-guided tour of the monument: €40 (€20 for specific audiences)
- Conference visit of the monument: 90€ (40€ for specific audiences)
- Heritage workshop: €130 (€60 for special audiences)
More information on the monument's website: http://www.paris-conciergerie.fr/Espace-enseignant
Visit with Histopad
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