Destination Impressionism: a World-Famous Destination


at 24 September 2015

Impressionism is a way of painting that attempts to seize the ephemeral moment, giving more importance to color than to form. As the painters of light and modernity, the Impressionists revolutionized the art of the nineteenth century. Today, they are the most popular artists in the history of art, and their works have become worldwide cultural references.

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According to François Navarro, General Manager of the Paris Region Tourist Board: "'Best of France' is an opportunity for the world's leading tourist destination to fully promote a world-class 'geographical brand' by focusing public and private players on a varied, structured and innovative tourism offer."

This famous artistic movement developed in the wake of English and French landscape artists. These "realist" artists left their studios to work outdoors. They installed themselves at Barbizon in the Fontainebleau forest and met at the seaside resorts on the Côte d'Albâtre and the Côte Fleurie.

Using the new railways or sailing along the Seine, the Impressionists found new scenes to paint in Paris Region and Normandy.

Save the date: Normandy Impressionist Festival, from April 16 to September 26

The theme of the third edition of the Normandy Festival will be "‑Impressionist Portraits‑".

The event is open to all and serves as a cultural celebration that provides the opportunity for the public to discover an exceptional heritage and the creative dynamic of the birthplace of the Impressionist movement.

With an exceptional scope, each Festival edition includes a program of over 600 events and activities.

The first two editions, in 2010 and 2013, welcomed nearly 1,5 million visitors to Normandy museums.

This vast area still bears the mark of the greatest artists, including Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas, Alfred Sisley and Vincent van Gogh…

Following a call for projects by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Paris Region and the Upper and Lower Normandy regions were awarded the contract : " Normandy – Paris Region :  Destination Impressionism”.

This contract unites local public and private players and mobilizes them around the promotion and development of a high-quality offer that will meet the strong demand of all types of visitors, in particular those from far away. 

The participation of the two Tourist Boards in the "Best of France" operation in New York on September 26 and 27 under the joint banner of Destination Impressionism demonstrates this commitment. 

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